إرسال رابط إلى التطبيق

A Unique B2B Digital Collaboration cum Supply Chain Community Platform for Infrastructure & Construction Industry.

We offer Updated Vendors for your Projects, Vendor Discovery, Get Multiple Quotes, Find Opportunities, Sector Intelligence, Market Place to buy Hire & Sell Plants & Equipment, Material Procurement, Financing, Insurance, Enterprise Services (which include Subcontracting, Growth, Market Entry, Diversification to New Businesses), Schedule of Rates & Other Services.
Through its Unique platform & Services, we will enable Companies, Vendors, Contractors, Supplier, Consultants & Developers etc. to showcase their work, and find new opportunities for faster and sustainable growth.

We are the only B2B digital Platform globally that provides leads of projects available for subcontracting.

Vendor Infra membership have three plans; quarterly, half yearly, Yearly subscription that begins at sign up. You can easily cancel anytime, online, 24 hours a day. There is no cancellation fees.

Please note that the App Privacy information applies to information collected through the Vendor Infra iOS application. See the Vendor Infra Privacy Statement (link below) to learn more about information we collect in other contexts, including account registration.

Privacy policy: https://vendorinfra.com/privacy/

Terms of use: https://vendorinfra.com/terms/